I am experiencing condensation and water collecting inside the lights, resulting in the lights failing. When I first viewed the vehicle, I liked the added safety feature of the back being lit. I looked closer and there was water in the lights. I noticed the rear track lights had parts of the lights that weren't lit up. I looked around the inside and outside of the car. I got into my car to go to work, started the car and as it was running I smelled electrical burning. I am writing to you regarding what I consider to be a safety issue with my 2014 Dodge Durango. The lights need to be recalled and replaced with a reliable design. What happens when the light goes out and I am in the middle of a nasty blizzard I can't go buy a new bulb to put in it and I definitely can't go buy a new taillight at $1k just to have it do the same thing. Some have gotten extended warranties to pay for a new taillight, then, a month later, they have water inside the light and a burnt out light again. It is very very common on 2014-2019 Durangos. I have read hours of forums about this issue.
Now, since I live in wyoming where we have nasty winters, and the water intrusion keeps getting worse, the water has frozen inside the taillight and cracked the lens, creating more water intrusion! terrible design. 00!!! wont be long and the entire light will be burnt out. Of course, you can't replace the bulb inside, you have to buy an entire center taillight for over $1,000. I make sure to drain the water whenever the car gets wet, and to not turn the lights on when there may be water inside the housing. Parts of the led light are going out because of the water intrusion. Took the lower corner bolts out and tons of water pours out any time the car gets wet (car wash, rain storm etc). Noticed water inside the center rear taillight. It’s sitting on the curb in front of the house now since I had to have it towed home. You’ll do a recall for cruise control but not this!!!’ crazy this car is a defective death trap. Apparently this is a known issue it had to happen to me for me to find out about it. Lucky I was pulling over and parking I could have died. This car isn’t even old and only has 60,000 miles on it. When the alarm finally stopped the radio turned on for no reason but the car still won’t start. Then the alarm went off and wouldn’t turn off. Tried it this time and it said fob deactivated and just beeped. Before it would do that and I had to exit the vehicle and use the remote start. Doors all closed locked still stay on while driving can’t manually switch them off 2nd yesterday I went to pick up my daughter at school and the car all of a sudden just stopped running. Uconnect 8.1st all of the interior lights won’t turn off no matter what you do.Uconnect 8.4A AM/FM/Bluetooth/Access (9).Uconnect 5 Navigation w/10.1 Display (9).

Uconnect 4C Navigation w/8.4" Display (52).